Wednesday, February 13, 2019

100 years

  Have you ever thought about what it will be like in 2119?; because I sure have. If we go back for a moment 100 years from now people had their own vision of how we would live our lives. With how much everything was advancing many believed that we would be in the absolute prime time of our lives, but I don't think that's the case. I believe that with all that growth our ancestors were having there had to be a halt in the growth somewhere and I think that halt is now.
Image result for future   On the other hand, 100 years from now I think we are going to hit that growth spurt somewhere between now and then that will advance us beyond the point. I believe that technology will take over almost everything like it is starting to now. We will have flying cars and robot assistants that know what we want done before we even tell them. Humans will all be run by a chip and maybe we can even go back and play the memories that have already happened to us in the past. By that time the world will not even run on paper money currency it will all run on digital money that we can access at anytime. Along with all these changes that will be happening I can not help but wonder if our legal system will change and how the rules and regulations will work. Will we even have a president or will it just be a hologram from a past president that was better than the others? Now, I do think all these changes will be great to our society as a whole, but what about the world that is around us. Global warming is already starting to take over and things all over the world are shifting that 100 years prior humans may never have thought would happen. Taking that into consideration I wonder if we will even have a plant Earth in 100 years, or if it will swallow us whole leaving small remains behind of what once was human kind.
   If our plant decides not to swallow us whole or we can come up with a way to control global warming, I think humans will find another life force somewhere in our universe. If you think about it the universe is ginormous and the only reason we have not been able to explore it is because our technology is not quite advanced enough. Imagine living in a world were it is normal to walk down the street and see an alien breathing the same air as you and no one is freaking out about it. I like to think that if we even did come in contact with another life force it would only make the universe stronger rather than tare it apart. We could dominate anything putting our minds together, or we could just teach each other things that we may never have thought of.
   The whole concept of 100 years from now is very interesting to me and I could think about endless possibilities the world could give us by then. We as humans just have to wait and see what the future has in store for us, or maybe there is a plan that none of us know about yet.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all be dead or in the apocalypse by the time 2199 occurs. However, it is refreshing to see a future that isn't dying, apocalyptic, dystopian like in the Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, Matrix, Cloud Atlas, Mad Max, Mortal Engines, Wizards, and several other series that fall in this background. I least can say you look optimistic to the future.


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