Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Take My Advice

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     Being a senior in high school I know how it is to go through almost 13 years of public school and survive it, however I wish someone would have given me some advice as a youth. If I had younger siblings or even had the chance to give a kindergartener some advice I would any day. First I would tell them not to rush the next 12 years of their life and to live it day by day because before they know it they will be in the real world. School is important but it should not be the center on your world, perhaps a good chunk of it. I have learned that it is best to keep a steady pace when it comes to school and to care about your work while not obsessing over it. Up until high school your grades matter but not as much as you may think. Setting up a good school system for yourself as a freshman or even an 8th grader could be very beneficial when your classes start to get more rigorous. This could even help when it comes to college or even when it comes to getting a job. Setting goals for yourself in the future and making sure your parents or guardian is on board will as well help in the long run. I myself have struggled to find what I want to do with myself after high school and wish I would have started to think about it a few years earlier. I also wan to point out that being popular and having the most friends is not actually the most important thing in the world or in school. By having a few close friends it will make things easier on you, and you will not have to worry about so much drama happening around you so you can focus on school work. One final thing I have to say is pay attention to your teachers and what they tell you, they can give some pretty good advice sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Being a junior I can relate to this article. But by reading this I gave am a realization that I should start planning out my life asap. Also I tend to drift off during class and not pay attention but I should pay attention more so that I am prepared for their test, exams and as a necessary skill for after high school.


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