Thursday, February 7, 2019

Watch What You Say

Related imageImage result for google assistant logo    I have recently came across an article called "Watch What You Say The Cloud Might Be Listening" on page 60 in Wired magazine. The author Clive Thompson, is trying to tell the world that we do not exactly know how our phones work. Thompson realized that this could be a problem back in November of 2015 and we are still dealing with this issue today. He explains in the article how he thinks it is great to have voice control and things to help you in your everyday life such as "Alexa" and "Siri", however people may not realize everything you say around these devices is being taken in and processed. I thought it was interesting to find out that anything I say to my phone is processed online to make sure all my language is clean. My question is, what happens to our audio once it has been processed and what happens if the person listening to my audio does not like what I said? After fully reading this article I could not help but wonder what secrets Apple and Google assists know about all of us. Along with listening, I want to know what other personal information our phones are taking in everyday and if the people behind the processing can dig into our info. Considering this article was written in 2015 I feel it would be slightly different if it were to be written in todays society. Our technology is so advanced now that they may have came up with a fix to this invasion of privacy or even something to make it worse that none of us even know about. After reading this article I will definitely think twice about what I say around my phone and you might want to as well.

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